Since around August 25th, I have been unable to open Studio on my laptop. It just crashes after the screen which has an image with the Studio logo on it, right when it seems like the actual Studio window is about to open. Since October 26th, this has been happening to the game client as well, effectively making me unable to play any games on my laptop.
A video of what exactly happens can be seen here. The problem is specific to my laptop, as I can play / develop just fine on my PC, and the app works fine on my phone as well.
• Open Roblox Studio or click “Play” on any game on the website.
This method will crash 100% of the time.
System specs
The laptop is an Acer Aspire A315-54 with 4 GB of RAM, running Windows 10.
Something similar happened to me a while ago, the issue was on my web browser the game client would seem to open but wouldn’t actually open. My issue with the client was you actually needed to open it from the actual executable file then it would work. I’m not sure why that happens but that was my solution.
However, with the studio file I got this same error message and exact same process as you. Now I was able to get it fixed by uninstalling it, but it seems you have already tried that. I’m sure it’s nothing serious but there probably is a solution as again I had this exact issue to.
EDIT: I forgot to mention this issue would ONLY happen once the client updated. It’s not a constant issue
Engineers can’t help you since you’re not following the bug report requirements. Go review the pinned thread in platform feedback and include your log file and crash dump by following the instructions.
I don’t know exactly how to help. My first suggestion is to clean Roblox Graphic files at %Temp%\Roblox\http (it’s safe, I do it all the time though I doubt emptying this folder will help you, sometimes this folder slows down my computer and it often uses 100MB+ storage). If that doesn’t work then I would recommend uninstalling Roblox and reinstalling it.
I would also check if your running low on disk space, I highly doubt it but I would check if you are running low on it.
I’ll try cleaning graphic files in the morning, I’ve tried reinstalling like 5 times and I have over 1 TB free on my boot partition (which is also where Roblox is installed).
Thanks for trying to help!
Edit: Nope cleaning graphics files didn’t do anything
Oof. I’m on a laptop and opening Roblox and Studio is fine. Talking about the uninstalling have you done it via the Control Panel or Settings app? If you have then Roblox is likely not to have been fully uninstalled.
Could I please get a response? I’m working on two tight deadlines at the moment, being able to work when I’m not able to access my PC would be really helpful…
I had this exact issue with studio a couple of months ago. Every time I attempted to open studio it would crash. The way I fixed it was by changing studios graphics mode to either OpenGL or Vulkan. To change studios graphics mode go to File > Studio Settings > Rendering > Graphics Mode.
However, I couldn’t actually open studio to change the graphics mode so out of curiosity, to see if studio would open, I tried downloading the avatar evolution beta build of studio. For some reason this version of studio opened with no crash so I was able to change the graphics mode via this build. Now studio works perfectly fine for me after changing the graphics mode.
My bug report:
I am also experiencing the crash with the Roblox client you described in your bug report. I’ve been experiencing this crash for over a month and still haven’t found a solution except for a workaround. At the moment I have to use the Roblox windows 10 App to join games on Roblox.
Thank you so much for helping!! For the client I’m also using the Windows 10 version as a workaround now, and setting Studio to use OpenGL instead of the Automatic setting fixed Studio!
Looks like the Automatic setting needs an improvement though, that was a real headache to fix (and wouldn’t really be possible without the Studio Beta build)