Unable to pass data through teleport service

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. I want it so when a remote event fires it will teleport the player and pass some data through as well.

  2. Whenever I try pass data through it doesn’t work

Unable to cast value to objects -- Error
  1. I’ve tried the dev hub, Roblox and Roblox studio discord server
local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService") -- We got da teleport service

	game.ReplicatedStorage.TeleportPlayers.Event:Connect(function(player, ChosenMap)
		print("Remote event fired")
		local reservedServerCode = TPS:ReserveServer(9373052616)
		print("The private server code is "..reservedServerCode)

		print("Teleporting "..player.Name.." to the private server")
		local TeleportingScreen = script.Teleporting:Clone()
		TeleportingScreen.Parent = game.Players:FindFirstChild(player.Name).PlayerGui
		TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(9373052616, reservedServerCode, ChosenMap, {player}) -- error line

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

You can’t send an object through TeleportData.

So should I do something like

TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(9373052616, reservedServerCode, ChosenMap, player)


No. Keep the previous one, and change player to player.Name. Then, on your receiving end you will need to check for the player’s name instead.

I’ve changed it to

		TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(9373052616, reservedServerCode, ChosenMap, {player.Name}) -- error line, same error

But I still keep getting the same error

Actually, I believe I just forgot to read the whole line. This should fix it:

TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(reservedServerCode, {player}, nil, ChosenMap)

It’s now saying

unable to cast string to int64

and I thought the {player} needed to be {player.Name}

I think I forgot the syntax again…
The DevHub probably has a solution.
But try this for debugging.

TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer({player}, reservedServerCode)

Try this:

local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService") -- We got da teleport service

	game.ReplicatedStorage.TeleportPlayers.Event:Connect(function(player, ChosenMap)
		print("Remote event fired")
		local reservedServerCode = TPS:ReserveServer(9373052616)
		print("The private server code is "..reservedServerCode)

		print("Teleporting "..player.Name.." to the private server")
		local TeleportingScreen = script.Teleporting:Clone()
		TeleportingScreen.Parent = game.Players:FindFirstChild(player.Name).PlayerGui
		TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(9373052616, reservedServerCode, {player}, "ChosenMap")

The syntax is:

TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(placeID, reservedServerCode, arrayOfPlayers, spawnLocationName, teleportData, customLoadingScreen)

Give me a second I’m trying to work out the dev forum I’m new to it lol

Thank you, so your code should be:

TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(9373052616, reservedServerCode, {player}, ChosenMap)

Oh, I thought that the spawn location name was just ChosenMap and he forgot to add quotations.
I’ll change it.

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The chosenMap is meant to be like a string which I just want to pass through to the other game

Really? I thought it was the name of a SpawnLocation.

Okay I switched my script back. It should work now.

Well sort of In server script service I have a bunch of maps and to know which map to get I was going to use a string which was the ChosenMap thing

This is a good practice, but you must put it into the teleportData parameter.

TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(9373052616, reservedServerCode, {player}, nil, nil, {ChosenMap})

I thought we only needed to do that with tables that’s why I did it for the player

This is true, but TeleportData should be a table.