I have a remote event that fires whenever a descendant is added.
Server Sided Script:
if not object:IsA("Folder") then
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if object.Parent.Name == v.Name .. "_" .. tostring(v.UserId) then
Where is the PlayerInventory currently located? Remember that when passing instances through RemoteEvents/RemoteFunctions only the references to those instances are passed (not the instance itself) so if PlayerInventory is currently stored inside the ServerStorage folder/ServerScriptService folder (or some other directory which isn’t replicated) then even though the client will receive the correct reference to the passed instance those folders are inaccessible to the client (do not replicate from the server to the client) and as such the reference will appear as pointing to nil on the client’s side.
3 years later and I am in a situation similar to this, and, while this post identifies the problem, it doesn’t necessarily identify a solution (assuming I am in a situation where I’d really like to be able to pass a local object to the server somehow). Bumping to see if maybe you know a good fix for this? I know it probably isn’t possible on its own, but a good workaround would be cool.