Unable to publish game

OS: Windows 11 22H3
Date First and Last Experienced: 28th November, at 6:25 PM GMT+5

Reproduction Steps: Try publishing a game.

Expected Behaviour: Game should publish without any issue what so ever.
Actual Behaviour: image
This error fills my output with html code. Yes I am connected to an interne connection as well.

Occurance: Constantly
Impact: High


did roblox ask you to update the studio because sometimes if you wont update to the current version for to long this happens


No, my studio was updated to the latest version. Besides even after restarting studio it still occured. Only workaround was to save the game as a file then open THAT file then publish the game.


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Attempt saving the whole game in a computer file, then reload it in a different place. It should fix the issue!

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That’s not what publishing is, and if the RBXL is corrupt then it won’t do a thing.

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I have mentioned that in one of my replies.

Thanks i hope it gets fixed. Though i have not experienced it for quite some time now but who knows that i just may experience it?

Actively looking into this, a couple questions for you:

  • You mentioned having to save to RBXL then re-upload. After doing that can you now save normally, or do you need to save to a file and upload that file every time?
  • Is this a Team Create enabled place or not? That affects how uploads work so I want to make sure I know what is happening here.


No not really. I just upload it as a file once and then until I open a new session it works.

No sir. Its not a team create enabled place. Non of my places have team create in them.

You’re welcome : D

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So I don’t have anything conclusive yet, but I have one more thing I would like you to try. This should let me know whether it is something messed up with your place metadata as it is stored on the Roblox servers, or if it is something wrong with the place file itself that is causing our back-end processing to fail.

  • First, open your existing place and save it to a local file. Keep track of this because it will be the way you restore the place at the end.
  • Open the Baseplate template and use ‘Save to Roblox as’ to save over the place that is having the problem.
  • Restart studio and re-open the one you just saved it over.
  • Add a single part or make some small change, then press ctrl+S to save over it again.
    • Let me know if you hit that same error when you do this save, this is the important part
  • Load your rbxl from the first step and save over the place again to restore the old version.

Edit: Also one more thing. Can you try to load https://www.roblox.com in your browser to confirm whether that comes up successfully or not? Looks like this might be a problem coming from the generic website code and not the upload code specifically, that should let us know whether that is the case or not?

Sorry for the trouble, hope to have this sorted out soon.

Maybe this can assist you with your issue. I found a few steps you could use.

  1. Check Output Panel: In Roblox Studio, open the “View” tab and make sure the “Output” panel is visible. This panel often provides more detailed error messages that can help identify the issue.
  2. Review Scripts: Look through the scripts in the game and check for any errors or issues. Pay attention to any error messages that appear in the Output panel when the game is running.
  3. Check for Missing Instances: Make sure that all required instances, such as parts, tools, or models, are present in the game. If any required assets are missing, it can cause publishing errors.
  4. Update Studio and Plugins: Ensure that both Roblox Studio and any plugins being used are up to date. Outdated versions of Studio or plugins may have compatibility issues.
  5. Recheck Game Settings: Verify that the game settings (access settings, platform compatibility, etc.) are configured correctly. Incorrect settings can lead to publishing errors.
  6. Remove Unused Plugins: Disable or remove any unnecessary plugins. Some plugins might interfere with the publishing process.
  7. Clear Output Cache: Go to “File” > “Advanced” > “Clear Output Cache” in Roblox Studio. This can help resolve issues related to cached data.
  8. Try a Different Place File: If the issue persists, consider creating a new place file and gradually copying elements from the original file to the new one. This can help isolate the problematic component.

The method you showed did work like 3 or 4 weeks ago. Since then no such issued has occured. And yes roblox.com did open when the bug occured.

Sounds good, I’ll keep this thread open a bit longer but it sounds like this was a temporary issue with the website which has since been resolved. If it doesn’t come up again in the next week or so I’ll close this out. After that if you see it happen again please open a new thread with a link to this one, also send me a message or tag me in the post so I can check it out right away.

Alright sir, i will let you know. Have a good day.

had a similar issue a week ago, publish worked on 2nd time, had the same issue yesterday publishing & saving around 10 times both wouldnt work so i saved my place to rbxl file to publish it today and it worked
edit: seems to be the same error message as in this thread I keep getting error HTTP 500: Internal Server Error intermittently in Studio

Hi. Thanks for reporting. We would like to keep this thread focusing on 404 errors. If you are still getting the 500 errors, can you post relevant details in the thread you linked? Thanks.

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Since the reporter is no longer able to reproduce 404 error on place publish, we are closing out this thread. Meanwhile, we are working on improving the backend and believe this issue will be fixed in short term even if it is still happening right now. Thanks for your patience.

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