Unable to recieve earned robux from games, unable to buy anything

Since February 9th, my robux has been stuck at a specific amount. Pending robux has been pending since that date and robux that isn’t pending on the transaction page (private server renewals on my game) has not been credited to my account.

Below is an picture of the Sales of goods menu. As you can see, there are 7 robux private server renewals, that aren’t pending, but aren’t being credited to my account either…

In the picture below is the “line” where robux stopped “un-pending” and being credited to my account. (taken on Feb 27th)

Below is a picture of my transactions summary. Usually theres only around 2k pending, couple hundred robux from sales of goods. (taken on March 2nd)

The second problem is that i can not make any sort of transactions. Can’t buy clothing from the marketplace, can’t buy private servers, can’t buy gamepasses, etc. It will just throw up an error, like “Purchasing is currently unavailable.” or “We are having a problem completing your purchase.”
Private server renewals are also failing. I occasionally get a message about my private server renewal failing, because i have insufficient funds in my account, even though i have a few thousand.

Its like theres a lock on my account. Im unable to do anything. I contacted roblox support twice, but they just respond with bots that only explain to me what “pending robux” means.

If theres any more info i need to provide, please tell me.

(edit March 5th, added the first image in the post)

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Pending transactions can take up to a month. It could also be a bug explaining why you wouldn’t be able to buy anything, but I am unsure. The only other scenario I could think of is your transactions getting frozen by Roblox as they think there’s something going on. I feel like if they felt that way though they would’ve disabled your account while monitoring it or investigating it?

I am also a bit worried that roblox has put some lock on my account, i was a bit hesitant to post this bug because of that and also because nobody else has had it yet.

I don’t understand why roblox would freeze my robux though, i haven’t done anything suspicious, to my knowlege atleast.

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It has now been a month since all robux has been stuck. Pending robux has gone up to 120k.
Another thing i noticed, when i get a message that a private server renewal has failed, on the transactions page it shows the private server robux in Outgoing Robux section, but my robux still stays the same.

I would be really really grateful if anyone from roblox could tell me why this is happening or could solve this problem, because this is pretty annoying. I was planning to DevEx last month :confused:

Hello, we have identified the root cause of your account’s inability to make transactions and resolved the issue. You should be able to make transactions again.

Thank you for your patience.

Thank you thank you so much!!! I can indeed make purchases again, and all my pending robux is coming in now!! Again, thanks!

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