Unable to Revert To Top Version Result

When you advance pages on the version history section of place editing, you are unable to revert to the top result despite it not being the most recent version. As you can see in the lower-right corner, these are results 11-20 and I am still unable to revert to the top result.

The workaround is to increase rows per page so you may restore to that point.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/3670530550/places/9952774534/version-history


Yeah the version history page is a bit messy :grimacing:

I can’t download versions as local files anymore either, compared to the old page… unless that was just a browser extension doing that…

(Later: yes it was a browser extension that let me download history plz ignore kthx)


Revert/version history is broken for me as well.

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Personally trying to revert never actually reverted the place in my case, but I haven’t taken time to fully test this out to make a bug report on it yet. If you happen to test it multiple times in different cases, feel free to make a report!

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket in our internal database.


It also doesn’t work for me, I can’t do any dev work until its fixed either as one of my developers deleted something and published and we have no way of getting it back until then…

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Hey all,
we’re looking into this. Could you all send urls to your problematic places for testing purposes? Feel free to Dm as well

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I’m having issues with reverting place versions as well. I try to restore to a previous version and it’s always just the latest one.

Agreed. I found that you have to do it within studio to work properly, reverting on the web browser seemingly no longer works.

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Hey all,
We’ve fixed this issue. Please let us know if you have any issues.

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