Unable to Rotate Accessory in Preview After Zooming (Roblox Mobile)

Issue Description:

When previewing an accessory in the Roblox Universal App (mobile version), the rotation function works initially. However, after zooming in and out, the rotation stops responding, preventing further adjustments.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Log into your Roblox account on the Roblox Universal App (mobile version).
  2. Navigate to Avatar and select the option to browse the Marketplace.
  3. Choose an accessory that attaches to the avatar’s body (e.g., a neck accessory).
  4. Press the Details button to preview the accessory.
  5. Try rotating the avatar—it should work as expected.
  6. Zoom in and out on the previewed avatar.
  7. Try rotating again—rotation will now be unresponsive.

Expected Behavior

After zooming in and out, the rotation feature should still function properly, allowing the user to adjust the view of the accessory.

Visual Aids:



We are investigating this issue, but are unable to reproduce it consistently. How often do you encounter this issue? Do you see it happen every time, or is it rare? Additionally, what is the model of mobile device you are using?

Thank you!

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Hey @meow_pizza!

This issue happens consistently… No matter what, I can still encounter this problem

As for my Mobile device, I’m using iPhone XR

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I was able to repro the bug very easily

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I can’t seem to reproduce the issue on my Android Phone (Samsung Galaxy M12). I suspect it might only occur with the IOS app.


@meow_pizza Any updates on this?