Unable to see everything a user has on

Reproduction Steps

  • Go onto the Roblox mobile app and/or your mobile browser.

  • Go to a users profile.

  • Check the current list of items that user has equipped.

Expected Behavior
The users profile should display the proper amount of accessories that user is currently wearing.

Actual Behavior
It doesn’t display the correct (full) amount of accessories a user has on.

Issue Area: Mobile App
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly


as a Mobile User, I have the same issue and I hate it, hopefully, this gets fixed because this is annoying me.


I can confirm it from my iOS 15.1 device, using the mobile application. I understand that this can be tedious for several users.

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Doesn’t happen on iPad, but I have a temporary solution:

Use Chrome, or whatever browser you use on mobile, and use desktop view. More tedious, but it works for now.

I went to test it on an iPad that I have (old) and it’s true (doesn’t happen), it would only affecting “smartphones”.


This issues is still not fixed after a year

Still no news about this issue sadly

Yes, this has been happening on PC too.

Notice how the Headless Horseman pumpkin gear is there on his avatar, but doesnt show up in the item list


This is still happening on the Mobile and the UWP apps.


Bumping this, this issue is still going on


This bug remains to be unfixed, I can’t believe it’s still unfixed after more than 4 years or so. Can this bug please finally get attention?

CC @skpm_plz

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