Visual Aids:
Free sales (Get Asset) are gone from the Sales of Goods section:
Before (Had a theme before just ignore it):
Direct Links:
~ Sales of Goods section.
System Information:
- Processor: Intel(R) Core™ i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz
- Video Card: Radeon RX 580 Series
- Operating System: Windows 11
- RAM: 16 GB
Browser Information:
Expected behavior
In the Sales of Goods section both free and paid sales should show up.
I think roblox intentionally removed it from their website. This kinda sucks because i cant check who owns my asset with the new asset library page. I think you should move this to Feature Requests but im not sure.
I cannot even see how many people have took the asset since this has been gone, would be really nice to see it and have ability to export the data again.
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Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.
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I’m having the same issue too, but I have found a way to “fix” it for now. (Note: This does not work for free plugin sales)
Go to the “Purchases” section on the transactions page.

Choose “All Items” under the “Sale Type” option.

Go back to the “Sales of Goods” section and your free-asset sales should appear.
Thank you so much!!! This worked for me!
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