Unable to see notifications on mobile

Lately I’ve been experiencing issues with being able to see my notifications on my phone; when I click my avatar profile to see my notifications, nothing happens.

This has been occurring for about a week.

I’m assuming this bug will persist across mobile devices. So to reproduce this bug, you should simply have to click your avatar to see your notifications.


I am unable to reproduce this issue. I’m currently on the Discourse App and can see my recent notifications by tapping on my avatar like usual.

Have you tried using the Discourse App instead of using the web browser to access the forum and see if the issue still persists?

I noticed this happens on PC and Mobile sometimes when the servers time-out, but this mostly happens when a lot of users are on the forum at the same time, so give it a day or so to fix it’s self.

As I previously stated, I’ve waited a week thus far.

While Discourse is a viable solution to this problem (that I now know about, thank you!). It doesn’t address the principle issue of not being able to view them on the raw website.

I’m unable to reproduce this issue, Your browser is supported by discourse so idk the cause, I use Google Chrome and it works fine, maybe try a different browser?

did you read the post???

Still unable to reproduce on the same browser you’re using


I’m using a beta version of Edge and I also can’t reproduce.

I’m using the PWA application though.

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Try changing the screen orientation of your device. It is possibly a touchscreen issue.

Since it’s widely unable to be reproduced I’ll nullify this report. Discourse has been a viable solution however I still haven’t been able to see my notifications on the raw browser.

However this is probably due to an issue on my end as it can’t be mass reproduced - if at all.

Thanks for your help everyone, I appreciate it!

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