Unable to select all text within a read-only script draft version

Studio does not allow you select all text when are viewing the source for a previous version of a script. Have to click and drag from the top of the script to the bottom. CMD/CTRL + A commands do not work at all.

  1. Enable script version history in your place
  2. Commit a change to a script
  3. Right click on the script, click “View Script History”
  4. Select a previous script version
  5. Press “Open Script”
  6. Make sure the script editor is selected to that version, try pressing CMD/CTRL + A to select all text
  7. Nothing will happen

Expected behavior: all text gets selected

Hey Usering, thanks for reporting this issue. I am looking into it right now!


Hello! This issue should now be fixed! Let us know if this issue occurs anymore for you! Thank you!


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