Unable to start MeshPart animation

I recently began experimenting with mesh deformations, and I had an idea for an animation I wanted to play on a mesh.

The issue I’m having is: I’m unable to play the animation outside of the animation editor.

Possible causes:

  • I might have uploaded it wrong (Imperfect->[RightClick]->Save to Roblox)
  • Might have misunderstood the hierarchy required to play animations
  • Might have misunderstood how to play them

Below is an image of the file structure as well as the properties of the Animation object.

Here is my code:

local animator: Animator = script.Parent.AnimationController.Animator
local imperfectAnimation = script.Animation
local imperfectTrack: AnimationTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(imperfectAnimation)


If you require any additional details I’ll be happy to provide. Thank you!

from the code youve provided, the animation will play instantly when the server loads and only once so the anim might finish playing before you load in. try setting AnimTrack.Looped = true before you play.

Thank you for your reply! Setting .Looped = true didn’t fix it sadly.

Side note: While testing this I’ve been using Run and not Play if that makes any difference.

Shouldnt change nothing, all it is is veiwing it from the server instead of being on a client.

Yes, it doesn’t change anything apart from the whole loading in portion of it.

Im a bit confused myself, and im not really up to scratch with this kind of topic. I can’t really help. Sorry

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I still need help with this, I have not figured out the cause of it.