Unable to "tap" buttons on mobile when inside ScrollingFrame, with same Z Index as parent frame

Ran into this issue a few months ago. One of my developers is having the same issue, and it occurred to me that this probably isn’t intended behavior, so I should probably file a bug report…

When a TextButton is in a scrolling frame, and has the same Z Index as the scrolling frame, clicking the button doesn’t trigger the :Activated() event as expected, even though the button is visible.

Expected behavior

Expected behavior is that a TextButton inside a scrolling frame, which has the same Z Index as the scrolling frame, should be “tappable” - as it is visible.


Upon further discussions with devs, this doesn’t impact all mobile devices - but it definitely impacts some! I’ve tested it on my Android A16 and my iPhone 8, and this issue impacts both of those devices.

I can confirm it does not seem to impact iPhone 11, or at least not consistently/in every case.

This is a game-breaking issue. Hope it can be looked into.