Unable to test any games in studio

Not sure how or why but I’ve been unable to use the “play solo” feature in studio since the new year started. It gets stuck on the loading screen.

System information:
CPU: Intel Core i5-10400F
GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060

Beta features enabled:
All except for the Dragger QoL, new studio camera, updated docking and updated Roblox controls.

I’ve included my latest studio logs in a private message.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi Koiske, I’m assuming it doesn’t matter which place you have open, this occurs even on Baseplate? One issue that might be causing this is an ongoing issue with our installer where (rarely) we see some files getting corrupted during update. Can you try uninstalling Studio completely, and then doing a fresh install?

Yes it happened in any place, even the baseplate. Funny enough, seems like the weekly update to studio has fixed my issue.

Yeah, I think the install issue is to blame here, and the weekly update had a similar effect to uninstall/reinstall. Glad things are working agian.