Unable to Trade Gucci Bag Limiteds

Page URL: Gucci Dionysus Bag with Bee - Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-05-18 03:05:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-05-18 03:05:00 (-04:00)

Reproduction Steps:
Buying or trading to trade the new Gucci bags. The bags do not appear in your inventory.

Expected Behavior:
The items should show up when trying to trade.

Actual Behavior:
Instead, there is no bag. https://gyazo.com/50c72db72b48c16d548fed598bc5a9a2

No workaround


Still occuring an hour later. I am seemingly the only one impacted by this.


The bug has occurred with new limited items in the past. Not sure exactly what causes it to happen though, hopefully it gets resolved within a day or two, at least that’s how long I waited before I could trade a new limited back then.


This issue happens quite a lot when a limited item first releases. This happened a lot with older items that first turn limited, a few of my friends and even myself included couldn’t trade certain items for the first several days. For me atleast the only solution is to wait it out as it’ll eventually allow you to trade them.

Hope that helps!


It appears this bug is happening to multiple owners.
We’re all left in the dark here and would like answers


This bug is occurring with almost every user who trades/buys one of these bags.

Another thing you should note is if you’re an original owner of the item and trade it away, it still appears in your inventory. However, when that original owner tries to trade that item it shows that they no longer have it.

Even though the item doesn’t show up in your inventory, you’re still able to sell/wear it which is very strange. :sweat:


Are the users who are trading for these copies of the bags not receiving the bag?

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They do receive the item, although it just doesn’t show up when you’re trying to trade it away.


I mean honestly between this and the bug where users don’t even receive the items they trade for if Roblox wants to use limiteds in this way they should probably looking into fixing all the problems with them. This is a bit of a weird issue.


This is day two of this ongoing bug- causing may players to lose profit.


This issue has seemly resolved itself with time- though I feel like this should still be patched if roblox plans to do more brand collaboration limited releases.


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