I did this in both Pc and mobile
Pc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FrrCNdXJ8g
Mobile: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4pC95Z8D9O4
Game 1: Pokediger1's Place Number: 9 - Roblox
Game 2: Tower Battles - Roblox
Expected behavior
When I click on the two games from my profile, they show as not favorited. But when I go to the Favorites category in Places and click on the same games, they show as favorited. When I try to unfavorite the games from my profile and refresh, they seem to re-favorite themselves, or the change isn’t being properly “registered” (like it’s not being recorded in the system or something). This makes it seem like the games are stuck in my profile and aren’t reflecting their actual favorited status right.
i have contacted roblox support 4 months ago, but they did not fix anything. Hopefully, this reaches Roblox employees and helps to resolve this issue, as many people are experiencing it and have previously created a forum on here, yet haven’t received any fixes.
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