Unable to update game - "Fetch Failed" in Studio

Whenever I try to publish in Studio and hit “Update existing game…”, this is happening…

I’m unable to issue an update on my game. I even tried a blank template and it still won’t retrieve anything. I am able to access and configure my place on the Roblox website, so I don’t think it has anything to do with my account.

Here are the errors:

Any ideas?

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Of course, it starts working after I post this. It was down for about an hour. I guess it was on Roblox’s end.

This still happens, it’s just not every time. But about 2/5 of the time I have to hit retry 4-5 times to get my games list to load. Any fix for this?

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That doesn’t sound good. What do you mean by games list?

Oops, I thought I was on a different thread of mine. Yeah, this still happens to me occasionally, but clicking retry has been working for me.

I’ve been trying to publish for the entire day, to some avail, it worked after waiting about 45 minutes to an hour. [6-hour gap] At the time I’m writing this, there are still issues that give me the same errors as you are experiencing. My friend says he cannot join games that may or may not be linked up to the problem with Roblox studio or Roblox Client itself.

As of 6/16/2021 - This bug/error (could be from my end but quite a few people are posting about this so I thought I might as well give it a shot) has made it so I cannot publish nor save to roblox.

As of 6/17/2021 | 8:32 AM PST - I’ve been able to publish but I do expect this issue to occur again and again.