Unable to Update Gamepass and Developer Product Icons

For the past 3 days now, I’ve been unable to update game pass and developer product icons because of whatever reason. Every time I try and update these icons, i get the same error message: “Image upload failed with an unknown error. If this continues please reach out on the Developer Forum.” and “Pass update failed. Please inspect the logs or network tab or post on the DevForum is this problem persists.” Here is a couple of screenshots to show what’s going on:


This shows the error:

This shows the full screenshot of the developer product not allowing me to update it:

This shows the full screenshot of the game pass also not allowing me to update it, as well as shows the original placeholder image on the upper left corner where it says, “Back to Associated Items” and “Basic Settings”.

This has been going on for a few days now, as previously mentioned and I hope it gets fixed soon.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/game-id/monetization/developer-products

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Please attach console logs (Ctrl + Shift + I on most browsers) of any red text you see after clicking “Save Changes” to help engineers diagnose the issue. A screenshot will do.