Unable to upgrade lifetime BC to OBC

So in 2014 I bought lifetime BC, and now I want to get OBC to properly devex.
When I fill out all the billing and such then send the request, I just get an error.

[details=Lifetime BC bug?]Luckily I’ve had a friend link the OBC upgrade page to me to fix this.

Yes, I’ve emailed info@roblox and they only linked me to help pages.

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Lifetime has been removed as far as I know, so it may be messing up your stuff

If I remember correctly, anyone with lifetime can DevEx. Regardless of their membership type.

I’d also like the benifits of OBC, too.

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Put additional line before details like

this, to hide details properly.

Hi there - Sorry for the confusion. The person replying to you was new and misunderstood the inquiry. We’ll be re-reviewing this procedure with them so that they’re aware in the future to escalate these. We can work with players stuck in this state with Lifetime BC/TBC to help them submit a request via DevEx, until there’s a feature out that fixes this. We’ll follow-up with you via your email. :slight_smile:

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