Unable to upload assets / import assets

I have been unable to upload any new assets to roblox over the last few days.

Sometimes I get this error where asset won’t even upload.

Sometimes the asset will upload, but then when trying to import:

11:33:23.180 Failed to get mesh id for asset id 81484456632682 - Edit
11:33:24.252 Error while retrieving mesh content: HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) - Studio

@chamullow Is this your own Mesh 81484456632682?

It’s being uploaded under a group

Have you experienced these issues in the same place? When you work on a different place do those error manifest?

The first error is from a place which appears to not let me upload anything. I only ever get the single part asset create call failed.

This error persists in places from the same group.

I’ve got the group owner to adjust some permissions and it seems to have resolved the issue.

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I seem to have resolved the issue. Apologies for the confusion, the group owner had been tweaking permissions and one of them had removed my authority to upload and edit group assets.

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Awesome, glad this is fixed!

(Khajiit has characters, please let me post)