Unable to upload .mp3 files


Even though the files are fine, the Develop page tells me:

Doesn’t take away my R$ but doesn’t upload it either. This issue has been here for a while now. It didn’t use to say that.
I use Google Chrome on Windows 10, could Chrome be part of the issue?
I’ll try a different browser and will share the results here.

Any ideas?


Do you keep testing it with the same / a small set of .mp3 files? If so you could attach those files (if you’re okay with that).


I used several files.
I’d prefer to not share the files publicly, sorry.

You could try converting the sound to .ogg. It’s not my personal favorite solution but it seemed to work.

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Now I got an internal error on Firefox upon trying to upload. :frowning:
I think .ogg is worse quality, is it?

You can’t really hear the difference on roblox ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Seems like a different browser didn’t resolve it sadly.

But doesn’t converting decrease the quality?

If you convert properly i don’t think a quality drop will occur.

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Any suggestions for a conversion site/program?
I’m not really familiar with them because .mp3 always worked fine.


Uhh… Lol.
I actually meant suggestions for the best conversion site/program, but that should do.

First result oughta do it :ok_hand:

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Thanks dude! :slight_smile:
Also, can I ask you for a follow on Twitter? I’d like to DM you some stuff :smiley:
Honestly, I’d like to DM a lot of professional developers now hehe, but I can understand they’re most likely busy. :wink:

I’m not a professional though :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hahahhaa :slight_smile:

Just FYI ogg is a better sounding format (imo), but since it uses a different encoding technique when you convert from MP3 (which has already compressed and discarded some sound information) to ogg you’re going to loose more sound information. Though as maplestick pointed out the difference is going to be negligible unless you’re picky about your sound.

TL;DR: Ogg is better than MP3 when converting from a raw sound format, but when converting from one to the other (in either direction) sound quality will suffer.

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Hm… Is the issue on my end, or is it the site acting up, if I may ask?