Unable to Use Group Payouts

Page URL: Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Very Rare
Date First Experienced: 2021-02-23 12:02:00 (-08:00)

Reproduction Steps:

  • Transfer Robux into a group by purchasing an item (game pass, etc)
  • Wait 6-8 months
  • Group payouts will still be locked

Expected Behavior:
I expect to be able to pay out funds my group receives within a week.

Actual Behavior:
I’m blocked from paying out funds, seemingly permanently. I barely ever touch this group.


This is probably ROBLOX’s spambot moderation system breaking. It happens a lot, in fact it even happens to me, in my opinion rolling out this update was a bad idea. :grimacing:


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Going to bump this since this issue is just absurd and infuriating to so many developers, not only does it have zero function in stopping TOS breaking activities on roblox but it also inconveniences all developers in every step of their everyday life.

Our group Hawkie studios has had a game for just under 2 weeks, maintaining thousands of players each and every day, yet the funds are still being verified? This is just absurd to me. If roblox trusts a game enough to put it on one of the top front page sorts why on earth does it not trust us to distribute funds.


Same here with me. Been waiting over 2 weeks…

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This is happening to me as well on my other group, my main group is working fine.

Bump, this is still happening…


Bump also unable to use group payouts.