Unable to use JobId, error 773 “Attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted”

So basically when I’m trying to teleport all players in my game to another game server with JobId and PlaceId I’m getting Error 773 “Attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted”. If this is a Roblox bug, there are any ways to fix it? And if it’s my problem what I did wrong?

(Tested this with many games, you can’t join with JobId to any game)

TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")

PlaceId = <anyplaceid>

JobId = tostring(script.Parent.Parent.JobId.Text)

Button = script.Parent

	for _, player in pairs (game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		TeleportService:TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceId, JobId, player)

JobId is 100% right but it’s a string.


JobId can’t be anything, it’s intended to be a UUID for a Roblox game server. JobId should be retrieved through methods such as GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync or having a means of actually obtaining the JobId of another DataModel. For places in the same game, that’s MessagingService. For other games, highly doubtful you can retrieve their JobId unless the developer exposes it to the player; and even then, you can’t teleport directly to that instance.

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You mean you can’t teleport to another server using JobId even if you have it? Because I have JobId of servers from another game.

You can only teleport to a jobid in the same game. You can teleport to other games with teleport.

That’s why it’s important to read documentation. This is clarified right in TeleportToPlaceInstance.

It can only be used to teleport to places in the same game.

So basically the problem is that I tried to get JobId from text, if JobId doesn’t work just look from where you getting it.

(yes 2 months later I just was thinking it’s useful for other people making teleport gui’s or something)