Unable to view blocked users if one of them is terminated

If someone you had blocked on Roblox has been terminated, you won’t be able to access your blocked list through the privacy page in account settings, resulting in not being able to unblock anyone through there

Repro (requires Postman/similar)

  1. Block a terminated user by directly using the UserBlock API (see below)
  2. get-detailed-blocked-users will now error when requested


Block User using curl
.ROBLOSECURITY cookie and the x-csrf-token header are required

curl --location --request POST 'https://accountsettings.roblox.com/v1/users/4/block' \
--header 'Cookie: .ROBLOSECURITY=...' \
--header 'x-csrf-token: ...'

Retrieve Blocked Users List (get-detailed-blocked-users)
This can be accessed by directly visiting the URL if logged in at https://accountsettings.roblox.com/v1/users/get-detailed-blocked-users
Requires .ROBLOSECURITY Cookie

curl --location --request GET 'https://accountsettings.roblox.com/v1/users/get-detailed-blocked-users' \
--header 'Cookie: .ROBLOSECURITY=...'

Expected Behavior
get-detailed-blocked-users should return {"blockedUsers":[{"userId":4,"name":"...","displayName":"..."}],"maxBlockedUsers":100,"total":1}

Actual Behavior
get-detailed-blocked-users returns {"errors":[{"code":0,"message":"Something went wrong with the request, see response status code."}]} with Status Code 500 (Internal Server Error), which causes the Blocked Users list to not appear at all

Page URL: https://www.roblox.com/my/account#!/privacy


Thanks for the report! We’ll get back to you as soon as we have an update on this issue.