Unable to view group UGC items

So on the toolbox you used to be able to view both group items and your account items on roblox studio, but now i can only see the items uploaded on my account and not under my group, for example below


What it’s supposed to show up

I’m not 100% certain if it has to do with my group name being the exact same as my account username, however if it could be fixed before UGC is open to the public that’d be pretty nice


Is this still being looked into?

Same issue, I cannot view UGC items uploaded to any of my groups in the Toolbox. When selecting a one of the group options, it displays the ones uploaded to my account instead. The bug affects the “Avatar assets” categories in the toolbox:

  • Group Hats
  • Group Hair
  • Group Face Accessory
  • Group Neck Accessory
  • Group Shoulder Accessory
  • Group Front Accessory
  • Group Back Accessory
  • Group Waist Accessory
  • Group T-Shirt Accessory
  • Group Shirt Accessory
  • Group Pants Accessory
  • Group Jacket Accessory
  • Group Sweater Accessory
  • Group Shorts Accessory
  • Group Dress Skirt Accessory