How do I stop unanchored parts from bouncing like they do in this video?
I am using an Explosion to make the parts fly out. Reducing blast pressure seems to work but then they don’t fly out as much. Same when I changed every part’s Density.
How do I stop unanchored parts from bouncing like they do in this video?
whatever makes the part fly, you should remove it from the part after time, it should help (if it’s just the explosion, theres one question: did the parts have the custom density from the beginning? there must be something that moves the parts still)
No, right now it’s density is 0.6
i’ve never seen anything like that on roblox, maybe this is not your fault? check if the parts still have high velocities in their properties
Could you post the tool script? Assuming that your tool creates the explosion based off of the Part.Touched event, are you ensuring that you have a debounce variable to prevent multiple Explosions from instantiating?
Yes, it has a debounce and it’s still doing it.
Might just be a thing with roblox physics.
Could you post the tool script?
If you don’t want the parts to bounce, normally what you would do is set the elasticity to 0, and the elasticity weight to 100.
go to physical properties make sure the none of the chair pieces are massless then to fix the bounciness decrease the elasticity and increase the mass play around with it until u get it right