I’m not sure what the cause is or if anyone else is facing this issue since I can’t find any simular posts but since yesterday i’ve had an issue across all my games where unanchored parts are stuck in place ie not falling or being moved by ApplyImpulse.
In this video non of the parts are anchored and yet they are all stuck in place not falling.
robloxapp-20220817-2222271.wmv (1.8 MB)
This might be an issue with my studio settings so here’s a copy of the level seen in the video. If someone can play it and tell me if parts obey physics or not that would be very helpful.
Demo.rbxl (36.6 KB)
Things I’ve tried
I set the Network Ownership of the projectiles from the tool to nil but this doesn’t change anything
I tried reinstalling studio but the issue persists
After watching the video, my question is if you’re trying to make a tool?
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I’m not trying to do anything specific; my games are just broken because unanchored parts sit in place. The tool is to demonstrate that ApplyImpulse doesn’t move parts.
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did you check if the part was unanchored?
Yes, all parts are unanchored.
Could you invite me to the game?
Sure I’m on a test account but I’ve added you as a developer on this demo game. Wait a second I just realised you need to be a friend to edit let me send you a friend request.
i accepted the friend request.
I also once had an issue with unanchored parts not falling and I simply fixed it by resetting my studio settings.
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Everything works. There is no problem at all…
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Strange, so the issue doesn’t appear for other people playing. Thanks that narrows it down to being an issue on my device.
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Try resetting your studio settings like I did
OMG thanks this worked!!!
Weirdly enougth reinstalling studio did nothing but just ressetting settings worked.
Thank you so much!
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Glad that solution helped. If it happens again, reset it again. Haha
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Kinda strange considering I got a Roblox studio update today.