So, there’s still some exploiters that can still enjoy using exploits, like Unanchored Parts manipulation.
I created my own advance Telekinesis for parts manipulation, Took 2 days.
Bad quality Showcase:
You will see that Siren was respawning after falling, but after I picked Siren up and change the distance way ABOVE in the Configuration GUI, it doesnt respawn anymore, its because Siren model/parts was permanently destroyed in that server only. Can everyone see it? yes, I tested it using 2 devices recently.
Is there a way for roblox to stop this type of manipulation? because mostly the game that was getting affected by this was Natural Disaster, other disaster games or games with Unanchored Parts.
Dont ban me Roblox. I can give you some cookies if you are able to nerf this.
a way to prevent exploiters from manipulating parts without using forces such as flinging, and instead basically telekinesis, you’d have to set those parts network owner to the server. a while back I saw an exploiter in NDS attracting unanchored parts, so I went in studio and made a fully client script to test if I could do this without using the server or anything and I could when I gained network owner of those parts.
Yeah, after watching the video I am 100% sure that the script the exploiter is using is working because of networkownership.
The only problem is if that “networkownership” is possible to be disabled, then it could cause performance issues, something like not able to drive cars, and many more functions that can cause unplayable gameplay. Networkownership disabled = impossible interaction with objects, Example: Banana Eats, they cant interact with object like task puzzles because networkownership was disabled.
well obviously you need it to be able to drive cars, but yeah it can be hard to work against these types of exploits. You could detect some odd velocity or something