Hey developer,
I’m having a problem. I have my own obby I’m working on but when I click publish this message comes up.
I have no clue what I need to do, Kill points kill in studio test game but in actual game it doesn’t kill them nothing is wrong with my script but it just doesn’t save. If there is a easy way to fix this I’m feel really dumb but I need help hopefully you guys can help.
You are probably in team create, look here for how to commit script changes
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Alright so If i have team create that could be the problem?
Sorry i’m use confused.
That is not the problem, look at my link, to see how to commit changes
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Yes I see how I can turn on and off team create I had mine on so If I turn it off will it save now?
It will, but if you are doing team create, you can go to view and turn on drafts. Then, right click on a draft and click “commit”
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Alright thanks so much for you’re help!!!