I made a game and there are literally about two people on earth playing it. (Yea I playtested a lot.) Sponsoring didn’t help.
So now it’s uncopylocked instead.
Scripts are mostly made by myself. Notably, the zombie script is not. It’s the “Drooling Zombie” from the toolbox marked as “high quality”. And the crossbow/shotgun are the “endorsed weapons” from the Roblox developer site.
Models are on the other hand all from the toolbox. I can’t do models and builds.
There are: A simple animated splash screen, badges, gamepasses, procedurally generated mazes, coins that get saved to a datastore, a music player with mute button and flying bosses that shoot beams at you from above.
It’s the first game I have made of this type, so it might not be stellar. But if you are about to make your own first game, you are welcome to use any of the scripts I wrote.
If there is anything you would like to use, but prefer that I publish it in the Toolbox for you, let me know.
If you have made something you would like to see me incorporate in the game, send it to me and I will see what I can do.
Here it is - any feedback you have or a “like” on Roblox is of course welcome:
Nice game! Gave it a shot, got to maze 6 with a little work. I’d say biggest room for improvement is visually. A lot of the walls are plain, and the decorations are few and far between.
Team create is now disabled. If it still dosen’t work let me know. Maybe I can upload it here for you instead. I don’t know if there is a file size limit.
The maze is generated by a module script in serverstorage folder. If you want a fixed maze, you have a number of options.
Copy/paste the maze to another project while the game is running.
Set a fixed seed number for the random function just before the maze is generated. You may need to make your own random function for this, I am not sure if you can get predictable results with the built-in random.
The overall properties like the size is controlled by the game manager script in serverscriptservice.