Understanding Client-Server Communication

Understanding Client-Server Communication – Step-by-Step Tutorial

This tutorial is intended for developers looking to deepen their understanding of client-server communication.

1. Roblox Scripting Architecture

Before diving into RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions, it’s essential to understand the two primary types of scripts in Roblox:

A. ServerScripts vs. LocalScripts

  • ServerScripts:

    • Runs On: Roblox’s servers
    • Purpose: Manages game-wide state and secure actions (e.g., updating scores, validating player actions)
    • Usage: Use for any critical game logic that affects all players.
  • LocalScripts:

    • Runs On: The client (player’s machine)
    • Purpose: Handles local tasks (e.g., user input, UI updates, camera controls)
    • Usage: Use for visual effects, GUIs, and tasks that don’t affect the overall game state.

B. When to Use Which Script

Step-by-Step Considerations:

  1. Updating Game State:
    • Use ServerScripts when modifying aspects that affect all players.
  2. Handling User Input or UI:
    • Use LocalScripts for actions like button clicks or camera effects.
  3. Security Reminder:
    • Always validate any data coming from LocalScripts on the server to prevent exploits.

2. Communicating with RemoteEvents

RemoteEvents enable one-way communication between the client and server. They are best for sending notifications or commands without expecting an immediate response.

Example: Sending a Button Press Signal

Step 1: Setup Your RemoteEvent

  • In Roblox Studio, navigate to ReplicatedStorage.
  • Create a new RemoteEvent and name it ButtonPressed.

Step 2: Create a ServerScript

Place the following ServerScript in ServerScriptService:

-- ServerScript: Listening for the ButtonPressed RemoteEvent
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local buttonPressedEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ButtonPressed")

buttonPressedEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, additionalData)
    print(player.Name .. " pressed the button!")
    -- Process additionalData if needed
    -- Example: Award points or update game state

Step 3: Create a LocalScript

Attach this LocalScript to a GUI button (or place it in StarterPlayerScripts):

-- LocalScript: Firing the ButtonPressed RemoteEvent upon a button click
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local buttonPressedEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ButtonPressed")

local button = script.Parent  -- Ensure this references your actual button

    -- Optionally send additional data as a second argument
    buttonPressedEvent:FireServer("Extra info or parameters")

3. Communicating with RemoteFunctions

RemoteFunctions allow for two-way communication (request and response) between the client and the server.

Example: Requesting Data from the Server

Step 1: Setup Your RemoteFunction

  • In ReplicatedStorage, create a RemoteFunction and name it GetPlayerData.

Step 2: Create a ServerScript

Place this ServerScript in ServerScriptService:

-- ServerScript: Define a function that returns player data
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local getPlayerDataFunction = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("GetPlayerData")

getPlayerDataFunction.OnServerInvoke = function(player, query)
    print(player.Name .. " requested data with query: " .. tostring(query))
    -- Fetch or compute the necessary data here
    local data = {
        score = 100,
        level = 5
    return data  -- Data sent back to the client

Step 3: Create a LocalScript

Attach this LocalScript where you need to request the data (e.g., in StarterPlayerScripts):

-- LocalScript: Requesting data from the server via GetPlayerData RemoteFunction
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local getPlayerDataFunction = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("GetPlayerData")

local playerData = getPlayerDataFunction:InvokeServer("Requesting stats")
print("Received data:")
print("Score:", playerData.score)
print("Level:", playerData.level)

4. Putting It All Together: A Practical Example

Now, let’s create a simple, practical example where a player presses a GUI button to be awarded points, with the action validated on the server.

Step-by-Step Scenario

Step 1: Setup the RemoteEvent

  • In ReplicatedStorage, create a RemoteEvent named AwardPoints.

Step 2: Server-Side Script

Place this ServerScript in ServerScriptService:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local awardPointsEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AwardPoints")

awardPointsEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, pointsToAward)
    -- Validate that pointsToAward is a number and within a valid range
    if type(pointsToAward) == "number" and pointsToAward > 0 and pointsToAward <= 100 then
        print(player.Name .. " awarded " .. pointsToAward .. " points!")
        -- Here you could update the player's score
        print("Invalid points value received from " .. player.Name)

Step 3: Client-Side Script

Attach this LocalScript to your GUI button:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local awardPointsEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AwardPoints")

local button = script.Parent  -- Ensure this correctly references your button

    local points = 50  -- Example: Award 50 points

5. Best Practices and Security Considerations

Step-by-Step Guidelines:

  1. Validate All Client Data:
    • Always check data on the server before making any changes.
  2. Organize Remote Objects:
    • Store all RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions in ReplicatedStorage for easy access.
  3. Clear Naming Conventions:
    • Use descriptive names such as PlayerJoined, ScoreUpdate, or RequestInventoryData to avoid confusion.
  4. Optimize Remote Traffic:
    • Only send necessary data to avoid performance issues.
  5. Implement Error Handling:
    • Use pcall or similar methods when calling RemoteFunctions to gracefully manage errors.


By understanding the client-server model in Roblox, you can build more secure and efficient multiplayer games. This tutorial walked you through:

  • ServerScripts vs. LocalScripts – where and when to use each.
  • RemoteEvents – for sending simple, one-way messages.
  • RemoteFunctions – for request-response interactions.
  • A practical example that integrates these elements.

Following these step-by-step instructions and best practices will help you develop robust systems in your Roblox projects. Remember to include additional media (images, videos) where possible to enhance clarity and follow the community rules for comprehensive tutorials.

Happy coding, and may your scripts run smoothly!
