Understanding physics setting "AreContactPointsShown" sphere adorns placement

Hello, this is my first post so pleas be lenient. I have been working with the physics engine recently and had been recommended to enable the studio engine setting “AreContactPointsShown”(a picture of the adorns: image).I am vary confused regarding how the engine decides which of the two parts in a collision will have its contact points represented by the adornes, thereby detecting that parts surface. I have read the documentation page on the matter, although its rather vague. This entire question is assuming that each part has a contact point, if this is not the case that will have be a valuable insite. Some things I have noted with the behavior of the adornes are the following:
They seem to show a type of “favoritism” to some parts rather then others, as to say the contact point will always, or almost always detect that parts surface.
The adorne placement is not stagnant, and can change. I have observed the “favoritism” behavior bend, but this is very rare and seems to only happen in certain situations. To give more information about the behavior, I have only seen this behavior between colliding parts of the brick variety.
Thank you very much and have a wonderful day.

note. this post is specifically aimed at @kleptonaut kleptonaut (sorry for the @ but i very much want to know what this means.) by anyone else who has any information please feel free to replay.


Refer to the documentation

As I stated in the post i did, but its so vague and left me with even more questions. Assuming that each parts gets contact points, why does only one get their contact points shown?