Undo action in Roblox Studio does not undo properly

After performing an undo in Roblox Studio after moving a part, instead of reverting the part to its previous position, it places it in a random location as well as any other parts welded to it.

Expected Result
Undo should revert part’s location to previous location

Actual Result
Undo puts part and any welded parts in random location

^ After an undo, Roblox Studio placed the selected part as well as anything welded to it (like the “Roof” part seen above it) in some random location to the side, seen in the screenshot. The previous action involved moving it to the right a bit (from the perspective of the screenshot).

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Thanks for the report! We’ll investigate and follow up with updates.


I can’t reproduce this locally in the current release, could you please check if this is still happening for you? If so, could you check if it happens to a basic parts like blocks?

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I noticed that I forgot to include the reproduction steps, but I’m actually not entirely sure myself either.

I just know that it involves an undo that affects welded parts. In that case, it would likely affect normal parts as well. However, I don’t think it happens all the time, which makes this even more peculiar. This means that I’m not able to reproduce it willingly either.

If it happens again, I’ll be able to add on.

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Thank you! And on our end, we’ll dig deeper into the welded parts

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I’ve been able to reproduce this consistently following these steps and a model with lots of parts welded together:

  1. Anchor model using anchor button
  2. Unanchor it using the button and move the entire model somewhere
  3. Anchor it again
  4. Move a part in the model
  5. Undo

When you undo the part will move to where it was when it was previously unanchored instead of where it was before it was moved. I tested this using a model off of the toolbox which was already anchored (so I didn’t do step 1), I can send you it if you need it.

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That is interesting behavior. When it comes to my situation, I do not remember if it involved anchoring/unanchoring, but I believe it did NOT. But it does involve an undo after moving a part welded to something else, causing both to move as a result.

i have this issue still aswell