Unexpected Robux Revenue?

Hiya! Recently released this game: [ Content Deleted ] - Roblox

I have had a good few visits over the last 24 hours, but some unexpected revenue.

The graph shows that I have made a lot more money than I should have. Although I have made only 2 sales of 50 robux, the peak income seems to be at 148.

Originally I thought this may be due to Premium Payouts but that makes no sense when compared to this graph:

Although the game is “The Avatar Mall”, none of this clothing is ours so surely we should make no money from it. Any ideas?


If players buy clothing from within your game, you get a small % cut of each sale for referring it to them. That is likely where it came from.

Check the “Commissions” section under your recent transactions.


I did think it was a percent of sales, however is there any way to view this “commissions” information if it is via a group?

Here’s the current sales, and those are from the two 50 robux purchases. There is no way to view the cut we take from clothing.

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These are premium Payouts! You get them when a premuim player plays your game! The price depents on the play time!

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But that makes no sense as it doesn’t line up with the premium payout graph:
I’m assuming that it’s a percentage of clothing sold even if it isn’t mine, however I’m now wondering if there’s any way to see that?

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Just thought I would bump this; supposedly the game has made 1200 robux.

However, literally none of it lines up:


Still very confused. Any help!?

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Have no experience with groups, but if you have automatic % payouts for devs set up, that would probably be why you only have a bit pending in your group/user.

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