Unexplained removal of the classic Headless Head

On July 26th, 2023, Roblox made the choice to start migrating a bunch of classic faces to dynamic heads which in turn, placed those classic faces off-sale and replaced them with the dynamic head version. Original owners of the classic faces were able to keep them and were even given the dynamic version for free.

Fast forward to November 30th, 2023, Roblox decided to give a similar treatment to the popular classic version of the Headless Head by making a dynamic version of the head. At the time, all current owners of the Headless Horseman bundle were given this new dynamic version of the head for free but were also surprised to notice that the classic version of the head was removed from their inventories.

Starting to see the problem here yet? Roblox began retiring some of the most beloved classic faces by offsaling and replacing them with dynamic head versions but was nice enough to let original owners keep them and even give the new dynamic versions to them for free. As for the original owners of the classic headless head, they weren’t given this same treatment even though they had paid upwards of 31k Robux for this bundle.

Expected Behavior:

I expect to get this blaring inconsistency looked into and maybe even solved by Roblox because it seems like it was a huge oversight or purely unintended behavior when this migration occurred. The classic version of the head still exists on the site, so I don’t think it would be too much trouble to give the classic version of the headless head back to all owners of the Headless Horseman bundle who purchased it before November of 2023. That would be the most fair outcome since the original owners of the aforementioned classic faces got to keep theirs, not to mention this bundle did cost a lot of Robux and surely loads of the owners preferred the classic head over the dynamic one.

If you took a minute to read what I said, the only thing I don’t think was intentional was Roblox taking away the classic headless when they didn’t take away the classic versions of the faces because why would they do that for one thing, and not the other?

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This is not a bug report. Although I understand that switching from classic faces to dynamic styles doesn’t sound nice, there is a decision behind the scenes that we, Roblox players, are not aware.

If you believe that players should own and have this ability, where they can choose to wear classic or the modern head, feel free to support my feature request! :smile:

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Once again, read my post fully. I’m suggesting that Roblox overlooked something during the migration process and unintentionally removed the classic headless head from peoples inventories. Meanwhile they let everyone keep their classic faces after they were migrated to dynamic heads. If that’s the case, this would most certainly qualify as a valid bug report due to the clear inconsistent ways these two migrations were handled. :+1:

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I read the post fully and my interpretation was similar to @bvetterdays… Another problem that you have also stated about classic faces is not a bug, but, still, a feature request was made:

If I’m not mistaken, you should be able to find the original and non-animated head in Avatar → Classic Heads in the Roblox website. For Roblox Universal App scenario, Customize → Head & Body → Heads

I’m a bit hesitant to call this a bug, since it seems like there isn’t any valid foundation for this beyond “these two tangentially related things happened, but they happened differently” - in which you could probably mark 90% of the Roblox platform as a bug haha :rofl: Does this happen to every Classic Head, or just this one? If other heads are staying but this specific one isn’t, then I would make sure to highlight that as then it would be a bug report.

I believe you should file this as a Feature Request instead - and argue for the granting of Classic Heads to player’s inventories.

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This was intentional, because they removed other classic heads from people’s inventories when they upgraded other existing bundles to use dynamic heads. This didn’t just happen with Headless Horseman.

Few examples:

I owned all of these bundles before the head migration happened to them. I no longer own any of their classic heads.

However, they did make an exception for bundles which previously included classic heads that supported classic faces. For example, I still own Dennis’s classic head and face after it was given a dynamic head. But I do not own Blazeburner’s classic head, because it did not support classic faces.


I really cant tell if you’re rage baiting or for real because you completely missed the point once again. I feel dumb explaining this but, We want exactly what we paid for (not only headless) to look like it was prior to this update.

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Finally! Someone coming in with some relevant facts instead of just dogpiling on me for labeling this as a bug report without reading fully into my post and attempting to understand my concern! With this info you’ve provided it does clear up the reason why I labeled this as a bug report. I didn’t notice that this happened with other classic heads, so that’s my bad. But still begs the question why we couldn’t just keep the classic versions of these heads too, but that would be for be for a different post category and I’m not going to get into it anymore here, thanks for the info though.


I can confirm to you that I’m not rage baiting… Not sure how to identify if others are baiting too. So, I am just sharing my thoughts, like anyone else.

Feel free to explain more if needed, because it helps everyone to understand what the problem is. If it is intentional, then I believe that there is not much we can do about it and it will be closed. The option would be filing a feature request.

I was about to write another paragraph but i took a closer look at your profile and decided to move on, have a great day.

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Honestly I hope it gets reverted regardless of if it’s a bug or not. Same with all the other heads.

May Juan’s feature request save us all.

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I can’t find where this was originally said by an admin on the devforum, but someone asked recently after the change had happened and an admin said they made the change so that players could use the eyebrows and upcoming facial hair features on the headless head, so that when using face tracking those features would still move on the “headless” head if the player chose to put those features on their avatars head. Still weird that they decided to remove the classic head from everyone’s inventory. Not much of a big deal though since they fixed the bug where it originally didn’t work in r6 upon release.

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