Unfamiliar error when using UpdateAsync

In my custom admin command module script, I’m attempting to update a players data using their userid as the key and getting the userid from game:GetService("Players"):GetUserIdFromNameAsync(). It looks like this:

local player2userid
		local success,response

		success,response = pcall(function()
			player2userid = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(target)

		if success then
			local getdata = module.PlayerDataBase(player2userid)
			if getdata ~= nil then
				local punishmenthistory = getdata["PunishmentHistory"]

				for i, punishment in pairs(punishmenthistory) do
					if punishment["PunishmentType"] == "pban" or punishment["PunishmentType"] == "tban" and 
						punishment["Active"] == true then

						DS:UpdateAsync(player2userid, function(getdata)
							getdata["PunishmentHistory"][i]["Active"] = false
							return true, tostring(Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(player2userid)).." was unbanned!"

However when I do that, It returns:

“513: Attribute userId Format is invalid”.

I’m sure 513 is some form of error code I can look up, but google doesn’t reveal anything useful.
Nobody seems to have talked about it on the forums either.

What am I missing?

Correction, I am dumb, 513 is the line number, it is 12:18 AM EST, I have been coding for over 10 hours now. Please, let me go to bed.

Are you able to print what you are giving to GetUserIdFromNameAsync?

I’ve attempted to. It gives out the userid of the player I’m attempting to unban, and printing type(player2userid) says it’s a number

Also I am unsure which line is erroring, can you send the line that is erroring? (Unsure which one is 513)

Its the DS:UpdateAsync(player2userid, function(getdata) line

This is because in the UpdateAsync, you do return true and then the data.

The format is meant to be the following:
return Data, UserIds, Metadata

Just get rid of the true part in the return and it should work fine.

oh, god I knew I missed something simple.