Un(Familiar), Psychological Horror Game

This is my first time posting on devforum despite being here for a long time, and I would like to share my first proper game created by myself. I’ve been developing on Roblox for nearly 10 years, but nearly always with other people to help with things like scripting, or only creating small projects.

I’ve learnt lots of new things in this project and improved some other skills, but any feedback or advice would still be useful to me in trying to improve further. New things I’ve had to learn include pathfinding, tweening, raycasting, and also creating systems that are a lot more complicated than they seem like currency, tools and a toolbar, and sprinting/crouching.

I became interested in the horror genre playing many of the SCP games on Roblox and wanted to create my own game that is slightly more unique and less limited to what SCP games have, while also not relying as much on traditional horror elements like jumpscares. I’ve been working on my game for over half a year now and I’m sort of close to begin testing, however, it’s been really difficult to find people to give feedback or test the game so I thought I’d try here as well to maybe get some more relevant opinions from people interested in developing too.

I’m still not entirely sure if this game will even be successful or people will enjoy it, and I can’t find much info on how I’m supposed to find players in the first place apart from things like social media which I’ve tried, but I would appreciate any feedback on what things I can improve, add, or what I can do to attract players once I do open the game. I’m also a bit stuck on the direction of the game and things I can do to make it immersive/as unsettling as possible, which is what I am aiming for. If you are interested I would also be willing to add people to test the game before paid access and maybe give me more detailed feedback.

Un(Familiar) is basically a game where you explore a large map, find secrets, tools, and entities. Events happen periodically to give variation to the gameplay and most of them help add to the unsettling atmosphere like flickering lights, powercuts, appearing entities, and things falling or screens changing to the players character. In the game there is a logbook system to track entities through capturing them with a camera tool, and defeating some entities which are ‘alive’ awards cash which is used in the store. There is also a tool system where you can either find them around the map randomly generated with different rarities, or purchase them in the store. Many parts of the game are highly randomised including the events, sounds, and variations that can happen within events.

I’ve attached a few photos of parts of the game and a link to the trailer video where you can see some footage in game (the X page also has some more videos showing features of the game)


Any and all feedback would be appreciated! :slight_smile:


It looks great! I notice the game is private, I’d like to play it and see how it feels.

Thank you, I’ve added you to the game if you want to try it Un(Familiar) - Roblox, keep in mind most of the content is under the surface and I need to do a bit of rebalancing because most are too rare

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#1 thing I notice is that it’s quite confusing to a new player, there’s little guidance to what your supposed to do. Maybe make some sort of guiding light thing?

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Yeah, I’m thinking about some sort of tutorial because I’ve added a few instructions in settings & info but probably not enough for most people who will decide quickly whether they are interested or not without exploring the game much

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Ik this is rlly random but I’m pretty sure that’s not how you use brackets cuz at the moment it says “Un” . Idk just a thought I had.

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Maybe, but I think most people will understand that its supposed to be Unfamiliar but also (familiar)

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This looks amazing! Can you add me to the play test I would like so see how well it preforms on my device :slight_smile:

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Thanks :slight_smile: I’ve added you, let me know what you think
I’ve tested the game on PC and iPad extensively so far, not sure how other devices might be if you are using those

Any chance I could be added as well? Would love to try it, it looks awesome from the screenshots.

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Thank you! Yes I’ve added you, I said above but I’ll say it again just so you don’t get the wrong impression, a lot of the content isn’t really visible at first and I really need to readjust the event rarities but there is a lot more under the surface of the game (there are currently about 40 unique events)

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If anyone is interested I’ve just released the game for paid testing, free access is still available for people wanting to test, just let me know Un(Familiar) - Roblox
This has taken about a year to get to this level of progress, there are about 30 unique events that can happen, I’ve implemented a custom tools system and I’ve also spent a few months working on an automated metro system. I’m planning a lot more features like a teams system, heist jobs and other things to make the game more interesting

I also wild love to try the game

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