I’ve been working on and off for a long while with Roblox studio; I find the lack of motivation to finish anything. Do I have potential? Should I continue? Am I just fishing for compliments? (Perhaps).
I want to show off my work and get some honest feedback. Much of it is old, but you can see clear progress. [Ok, I cherry-picked the better looking ones you caught me]
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Thank you. Please consider leaving some feedback, perhaps some ideas on how to move forward. 
I’m not entirely sure if this is against any rules or not 
I think your creations are Amazing, but they are lacking some smaller details that can bring them from amazing to… whatever is above amazing!
All of these builds look VERY good! Don’t give up, and keep going! Nice job on them!
Thank you; I wholely agree with your notion of more minor details. This is due primarily to the fact they they are unfinished.
Perhaps I should find a small team that works well with me so I can finally complete a small project.
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These are great! You definitely have the potential to go above and beyond. Lacking motivation or asking questions like “Do I even have potential?” “Am I just wasting time?” are all a part of the growth process.
Sometimes having outside opinions or compliments that can reinforce that feeling of “I can do this” are just the catalyst needed to spark some motivation in us. (Been there too many times to count and I’m truly grateful for the people who support me and give me the motivation to continue)
Don’t let any self doubts of your ability get to you, keep at it and always tell yourself that you are capable!