Unfriended user still have private chat available

Is this a group chat? You might have an abnormally named group chat that says the person’s name.

I checked cause I thought it was that too but unfortunately, no, it’s the usual Roblox chat, unless the group chat is somehow impossible to leave.

I am still having this issue and it is REALLY annoying. Somehow, I ended up having this bug with the absolute worst possible person. She keeps trying to message me and always tries to guilt trip me into friending her back again. If any Roblox Staff see this, could you at least help me resolve this problem for my own account if not the whole platform.

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I’ve had someone stuck in my chat for nearly a year now and have not been able to get rid of them (blocking them doesn’t do anything, nor does toggling chat entirely through privacy settings). I’d really appreciate if this issue got some attention.

Is there any update yet? I’ve tested whether the issue was fixed, and the result was inconclusive.

The mobile chat is pretty broken. It no longer updates live on iOS for me, so to see new messages I have to force close the app. I have friends that aren’t allowed to use Discord due to their own situations, and it’s inconvenient that I can’t chat on the go.

Yeah, ever since the notification sound broke the chat has been neglected.