Ungrouping doesn't select all the parts inside it

I used to easily organize my parts by grouping them so that I could quickly ungroup and move selected parts locally. Lately, though, I’ve noticed a change – after ungrouping, the parts don’t stay selected like they used to. This happens not only with my go-to F3X tool but also with the regular studio tools. I’ve attached images to illustrate: the first one shows how it used to work, where the parts stay selected after ungrouping, making it easy to move them around locally. The second image, however, demonstrates the issue – the parts no longer stay selected after ungrouping. I’m wondering if this is a recent intentional change or if there’s been an update causing this shift in functionality.

This little hiccup is starting to bug me. I’ve grown so used to my usual workflow, and now that this feature is missing, I find myself manually selecting each part. The frustrating part is that Roblox doesn’t support undo with selection, and this technique was my workaround to make things smoother.


Studio Build Suite allows you to move, resize, and rotate each part individually with multiple selected. Or use the context menu to select the group’s children.


Opting for an entirely different suite doesn’t seem like a viable solution or workaround for something as minor as this. Plus, the actions you’ve highlighted can be accomplished using both F3X and the Default Studio tools. :man_shrugging:

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ROBLOX Studio for me still has the objects in a group selected once I ungroup them.

If F3X and the default studio tools allowed you to do it, then you wouldn’t be asking the question, as you’d already have a solution that allows you to move, resize, and rotate them locally.


I haven’t directly placed the parts through Studio tools, so I wasn’t aware of the primary cause behind the issue. On a related note, individually placing the parts via Studio tools seems to resolve the problem I mentioned. I suspect this might be an F3X-specific issue, given that I’ve never encountered any problems with this tool over the past four years.
I’ll consider this post resolved, as it pertains to F3X, and I don’t see myself switching to an entirely different toolset just to address this particular issue.
Thanks for confirming! :open_hands:

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