UNHappy home! Horror map suggestions

Hello there

  • What are you attempting to achieve? I want a map with the happy home in it, but it has to look scary
  • What is the issue? Im stuck, studs, or grass? Regukar happy home, or variations?
  • What solutions have you tried so far? I looked on the forum, and no one is doing what I am doing

Basically, I have a 200 x 200 map that will have the happy home and the old roblox trees on it.
How could I make it scary?

its not scary at all rn

Any questions/answers appreciated!


change the visual and audio ambiance. you might want people to feel immersed in your game.

Back in the day i’ve tried to make a horror game as well. So i think i can help you with this.

First you need to mess around with “Atmosphere” you have to make it as dark as you can then you can add fog. You can mess around with values but my advice is keep the fog distance low so player can’t see whats going. Don’t blind players.

  • Change the lighting mode to: Future
  • Change time to around: 00:00-02:00

Then you can proceed to next step sounds&visuals. You can add these stuff to your game:

  1. Background music,

  2. Random timed sounds,

  3. Jumpscares (But keep this in mind if you add this you might need to incrase Age Recommendations)

For now thats all i could’ve think of.

Well i hope this helped you out. Stay safe :white_check_mark:


I have done that already, do you mean fog as in limiting view?

I might try this

Got it

That could be useful, I will do that when im on studio

Even I am scared of jumpscares, so i cannot add it

Result: I will definitely test some of these features and I hope they work :happy1:

However, what do you think I could do to the house to make it scarier?

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Well you can rebuild it with a new style. Maybe some hidden doors that leads to basement, its all up to you just think. What do you want to achive with this game.

you can make it grey scale by lowering the saturation.

If you want to make a map with a happy home look scary, there are several things you can try. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Use lighting and shadows to create a spooky atmosphere. You can use darker colors and directional lighting to create areas of shadow, or use a light that flickers or changes color to create a sense of unease.
  • Add creepy sound effects. You can use the Sound object in Roblox to play eerie sounds, such as footsteps, creaking doors, or whispering voices.
  • Use decals to add spooky details to the happy home. You can use the Decal object to apply images to the surfaces of your objects, such as cobwebs, bloodstains, or creepy messages written on the walls.
  • Use the terrain and environment to create a spooky setting. You can use the Terrain object to create a misty or foggy environment, or add creepy objects such as gravestones, skeletons, or abandoned vehicles to the map.
  • Add scary characters or creatures to the map, and use Scripts to make them move and interact with the player.

Remember that you don’t have to use all of these suggestions, and you can experiment with different combinations to see what works best for your map. The important thing is to use your creativity and imagination to create a scary and immersive experience for your players.

I have that down

Definitely doing that

I didnt think of that actually! I must try that

Terrain? Nah, but gravestones, yes.

Since this is a multiplayer mm game, I dont think that would work, nor I have the knowledge to do it
