Unicode progress-bar generator - generate unicode progress-bars

Hi, I made this for myself but I thought that I would share.
The title says everything that you need to know.
It’s my first time publishing something, so please tell me if something’s wrong.

The license is pretty permissive.

The source code is available in its github repository:

Also available using Wally:
unicodeprogressbar = "khanmenthe/unicodeprogressbar@0.2.1"

Unicode Progress-Bar Generator© 2024 by thalisky is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0


FYI your repo is still empty, did you push your changes?

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I’m doing it right now lol, I made the repo while being VERY tired.

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Ah no worries, take your time!

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It’s going to take some time as publishing it using VSCode seems to create an empty repo for some reason.

EDIT: ok done

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