Union cannot be separated

A rather old union cannot be separated.An error message pops up with the text: “Separate failed: Part type not supported in CSG. Only blocks, spheres, cylinders, wedges, and corner-wedges are currently supported”


Curiously two WedgeParts are properly created and positioned, but are not removed from the Union.

A repro: UnionSeparationRepro.rbxl (14.3 KB)

Try changing it to the old version and see if it will let you

Go on Settings Physics and DisableCSGv2


This changes the error to: “This union is not currently solvable. Try offsetting the parts from each other or try unioning each part individually.”

Are you selecting more then 1 at the same time? if so do one by one

There is 1 union in the place file. The repro is in OP.

When trying to union it with the old CSGv2 the wedges separate and they dont aven separate they get duped. I think your best option is to redo it


Thank you for submitting this report. We are currently reviewing all bug reports to ensure we have not overlooked any ongoing issues. Since this issue was reported over two years ago, can you please confirm you are still experiencing the problem? If so, please respond to this thread, and we will investigate. If we do not receive any response within 30 days, we will consider this matter resolved. Thank you.