Union Converted to Mesh, but still same collision issue

Dear Developers,

I have this issue that I want to fix but can’t come up with a solution.

So basically I have an Union that I converted to a MeshPart without using Blender. Which went succesfully, but did it to fix the collision issue. Yet it still has the same issue. (Just to add a small note to it, I had the same issue with an union before and went through this process and it worked. For this one it didn’t…)

Picture of Meshpart converted from the Union:


As you can see, it’s not fixed. What do I do? I gave it a thought and is it necessary to put it through blender? Or is there a way to fix the issue without using blender?

I don’t exactly know if this is what you want but usually I set my meshes with weird collisions to CanCollide off. From there I make a separate low poly mesh just for collisions (and if needed, the collision fidelity is set to PreciseConvexDecomposition). But I bet you could also use parts to also make a collision box.
Hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free to ask (I’ll try my best to answer).

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Yeah I get what you mean, but yet I was hoping to find an answer on fixing the collision. It could help indeed as what you are referring to. I might be able to do that if there isn’t any solution/fix that can be made for this annoying collision issue. Thanks :+1:

It probably a bug in the studio (unions are known for bugs). Maybe try tweaking different CollisionFindelity if it doesnt work then mehh.