Whenever I have saved my place to a file or publish, almost all of my unions go invisible and I need to restart studio to be able to see them… also recently when I do ‘Undo’ it highlights random bricks on the map [not just the ones I was working with]
I haven’t gotten glitchy Unions by saving or publishing my place, but I have been getting the highlight “side-effect” when I Undo an action. The recent Studio updates seem like they just did more to break the program.
Can you send me a copy of that place and/or a copy of an un-unioned version of one of those CSGs?
I am also getting the highlight glitch when I undo. I’m also experiencing issues with shift-selecting multiple objects with the default select tool. When I try to shift-select something with the default tool, it usually doesn’t work and I have to double click the object to select it, but that only works about half the time. I also can’t select the tool control balls (I don’t know what to call them) on any of the default tools. It just selects the object that is behind them and I can’t use the tools.
Sure, do you got somewhere I can sent the file of it or should I uncopylock?
You can send a devforum private message to Silent137 and then attach the file there.
Update: Now whenever I exit out of studio it dosn’t even save the unions… I had to respend almost an hour creating the detailed unions again…
What version of Studio do you have? Can you send me a pm with the previously requested information?