Union 'Holes' are not working

Hello there Devs! I have been experiencing problems with Unions recently. I have made from my perspective, a WONDERFUL Treehouse but… when I try to get inside it. It just won’t let me or there is like some kind of invisible barrier that stops me from walking mid-air in the union. Any help?


Thanks! :slight_smile:


Your vimeo link isn"t working.

Try this?

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Try setting the union’s CollisionFidelity property to PreciseConvexDecomposition.


Where do I find this option? I could not find it at all.

Open up the properties window and click on the union to get to it.

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If this doesn’t work maybe just turn off can collide on the negative part.

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Or you can change the CollisionFidelity property to precise, the same problem can occur with mesh hitboxes if the mesh’s CollisionFidelity isn’t set to precise.

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You cannot walk through unions. This has been an issue staircases aswell. You’ll have to use a program like blender to create the cylinder.