UnionAsync() Breaking my code?

I’m trying to union a bunch of parts together. However, as soon as UnionAsync() is called, the function breaks. No union is formed, nor does any code after UnionAsync() work at all. I am completely at a loss as to why this happens.

local function unionParts(player)
	local Art_Folder = workspace:FindFirstChild("Art_Folder")
	local Player_Folder = Art_Folder:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."_Art")
	local toUnion = Player_Folder:GetChildren()
	local mainPart = toUnion[1]:Clone()
	mainPart.Parent = Art_Folder
	local newUnion = mainPart:UnionAsync(toUnion, nil, Enum.RenderFidelity.Performance)
	newUnion.Parent = Art_Folder
	newUnion.CFrame = mainPart.CFrame
	newUnion.Name = "Octagon"
	for i, v in pairs(toUnion) do


Update: I started using GeometryService:UnionAsync, which lets the following code run, but doesn’t create a union. I even tried using a pcall() with it, and the pcall returned true, yet the union is nowhere to be found, even when parented to workspace.

UnionAsync() is an extremely resource heavy task and can take a quarter of a second to fully complete. Also I would recommend looking at the UnionAsync() documentation to make sure everything you have set up is correct.

BasePart | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If I were to give you a quick solution from what I can tell, you need a collisionfidelity in the 2nd parameter and nil wouldn’t work.

local Art_Folder = workspace:FindFirstChild("Art_Folder")
	local Player_Folder = Art_Folder:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."_Art")
	local toUnion = {}
	for	i,v in pairs(Player_Folder:GetChildren()) do
		table.insert(toUnion, v)
	local mainPart = toUnion[1]:Clone()
	mainPart.Parent = Art_Folder
	local success, newUnion = pcall(function()
		geo:UnionAsync(mainPart, toUnion)
	if success then
	success.Parent = workspace
	success.Position = mainPart.Position
	success.Name = "NewUnion"
	for i, v in pairs(toUnion) do

This is the code I have now. GeometryService:UnionAsync returns nil, even though the pcall returns success as true.
Editing the union inside the function itself allows me to change it’s properties, but trying to print any property like size or position always results in nil, so the union is just not being made