Unioning parts causes discoloration

Hello forum!

I’ve been experiencing a problem while building my game: When combining parts into a union, some of the faces become darker than the rest of the faces.

Is there any way to fix this? I have looked through the documentation and the forum, and have not found anything.

This is before unioning

This is after unioning

Union uses UsePartColor, plus the parts are same color anyway

the ‘solution’ for this post mentions union re-rendering. Restarting roblox studio does not fix this issue:

Would you please share the model or place file with us, so we can look into this issue carefully? Thanks!

image of workspace:
Left: no stud surface, front is separate parts, back is union.
Right: with stud surface (shrunken down old baseplate), front is separate, back is union.

place file:
Union_Discoloration.rbxl (125.0 KB)

Hey Harambe_Gorilla,

I took a look at the file you sent, and after separating and re-unioning the unions that were discolored, they no longer became discolored.

Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing ROBLOX Studio?

I will attach the place file that I messed around with.
Union_Discoloration_ Stamose.rbxl (128.5 KB)

Please let me know this keeps happening.

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Dear @Noobik35

Thank you for providing your place file. This is a known issue; fortunately, we already have a fix, and I just rolled it out now. Please reboot your Roblox Studio and let us know if the problem still exist.

Thanks, and we are sorry for the inconvenience


Thank you for the fix!

After i re-installed studio, the issue no longer persists.

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