Unions can't float in water for some reason

This is a pretty simple problem: Unions cannot float in Water from Smooth Terrain, and i don’t understand why? is there something i’m missing, or is this a bug?

Simple Part Floating:

Well, the video refused to upload, but it’s simply a part floating in water!

Everything fine right? Floats as expected
but then…
Union “Floating”*

Video also failed to upload, basically, it’s a union sinking in the same water that the normal part was floating.

This isn’t right!
Any ideas to fix this problem?

*Sinking like a stone

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Go to the properties and enable CustomPhysicalProperties. Set the density to less than 1 and the part will float


This time, it worked, but the crate is very unstable, what do i do?

If you take a regular part(Part is just 5x5, centered directly under it) and weld it to the bottom of the union(Union is a 4x4 cube with a 3x3 hole in it), it becomes a whole lot more stable. As you can see in the picture I used a Weld Constraint to connect the two parts. The union has a custom density of 0.1 while the part has it’s regular density. The Union floats really well, and auto stabilizes itself but it does spin quit a big, but not nearly as much, when a player hits it. I haven’t been able to find a fix for this though.
Other issues that could cause it to be unstable on your end, is if it is unbalanced(more detail/parts on one side than the other.)
I hope this was able to help you!


Works perfectly as intended, thanks!

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