Unions cause textures to glitch

Hi all,

Recently just ran into this issue, only occurred just this once. I have a custom texture on a wall, but creating holes in it with CSG causes the texture to become unrecognizable.



Has anyone ran into this before and/or has a solution? Any help is appreciated!

Unioning removes any textures. You can copy the texture from the part before unioning and paste it into the new union. You might need to adjust the offset to align it back to the original look.

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You could make rectangles around the holes instead union

I had this problem before. I think it’s because the union is from too many parts (or it’s just big) and that’s way the texture glitches. I fix it just by splitting the union into multiple smaller unions and texture each one of them. To fix the texture when they touch each other (If you have this problem) simply just rescale one of the by 0.0001 and it will be fixed. Hope that helps!
Note that first you will need to paste the texture again after making the union.

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Just to clarify, I am aware the texture is being removed and I am readding it with the same parameters as the old part (no matter how I adjust it, it is still weird)

Thanks for clarifying. Before I ask for the model file, can you verify that the texture is displaying on that surface, even if incorrectly? Is the texture rotated/scaled incorrectly (very small details or stretched across dozens of studs) or just not visible?

The texture is visible, but appears as a few faint lines.

Sometimes unioning causes the model to rotate in place. It’s possible that surface is now tilted so its vertical and horizontal edges were swapped. Can you try swapping the StudsPerTileU and StudsPerTileV properties and see what changes on the surface?

texture.rbxm (9.6 KB)

Here’s the file if it helps.

Do you still have the image file for that texture? Could you upload a new version that’s rotated 90 degrees and try that asset? This didn’t seem to do anything.

future note: thanks for providing the file in the next post. I’ll check this out in Studio

The wall and the negated parts were rotated and that caused the texture to map weirdly on that surface. I zeroed the rotation and switched each size dimension for the parts around to resize it back to what they looked like and unioned it again. You might want to adjust the offsets/size of the texture yourself so that smudge is at the edge.

Here’s the model from the image: finish-example.rbxm (14.8 KB)

This worked great, thanks for the help!

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